Sunday, 22 March 2009

Mirror's Edge

Mirror's Edge is a first person action-adventure video game developed by EA Digital Illusions CE and published by Electronic Arts. The game was released on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in November 2008. A Windows version was also released on January 13, 2009. The game was announced on July 10, 2007, and is powered by the Unreal Engine 3 with the addition of a new lighting solution, developed by Illuminate Labs in association with DICE. The game has a realistic, brightly-colored style and differs from most other first-person perspective video games in allowing for a wider range of actions—such as sliding under barriers, tumbling, wall-running, and shimmying across ledges—and greater freedom of movement, in having no HUD, and in allowing the legs, arms, and torso of the character to be visible on-screen. The game is set in a society where communication is heavily monitored by a totalitarian regime, and so a network of runners, including the main character, Faith, are used to transmit messages while evading government surveillance

* Windows XP or Vista
* Processor: Pentium 4 at 2.4 GHz
* RAM: 1GB
* Video: GeForce 6 Series with 256MB VRAM or better
Game: Download
try this 5CKB-PH3Z-KH38-SKHM-ERLD
cfiles download
extract and paste it into installationdirectory/binaryfolder
update + crackfix download
install update. then copy cracked exe to your game directory
If crack links are not working then read Tutorial

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